Online Counseling.
Safe. Accessible.

Talk to your Therapist from the security of your own home.

We are a team of friendly, dedicated Counselors, experienced in working with a diverse population, focused on supporting people dealing with life's daily challenges and emotional issues.

Affordable & Accessible
Online Counseling.

Together with your BCS-talk Counselor, you will learn how to take control of your life, your self-esteem and your confidence. You will develop healthy coping skills to help you respond to life’s challenging situations. Whether a long standing issue or a current situation that needs attention, working together, you can take control of this moment, your life and your future.

Only you can start change in your life, but we can help you achieve it.

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of your Counselor
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A personal and unique experience tailored to you.

We are focused on being transparent with our business, our Counselors and with our clients. We charge one flat fee of $50 per session, after the completion of your session, not before. We offer continued support to our Counselors, providing Supervision and real career growth opportunities.

For our clients convenience, we have also developed an icon system to help you choose the right Counselor for you, they include:
Faith Based Counseling
Social Justice Issues
Trauma + PTSD
Women Focused Issues


Low Self-Esteem?

By Self Esteem
Low self-esteem is characterized by a lack of confidence and feeling badly about oneself. People with low self-esteem often feel unlovable, awkward, or incompetent. Often, individuals lacking self-esteem see rejection...
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